Watch pickleball in these national TV news stories.
Pickleball is gaining popularity in the national media just as it is across the United States. Check out these blurbs from national broadcast stations featuring pickleball.
NBC Nightly News with Brian Willams
Find out why the pickleball craze is sweeping the nation.
CBS News - Pickleball Anyone?
This video done by CBS News is a must watch for any pickleball player. Featuring Coach Mo and Taryn Winter Brill, this video gives a glimpse of the exciting life of pickleballers.
Wall Street Journal - Move Over, Tennis, Pickleball is Here!
A fast-growing sport, pickleball is taking active-adult enclaves by storm. WSJ's Anne Tergesen got a look at how the game is played.
USA Today - Seniors keep their eyes on Pickleball
Roy O'Connor, 74, and his wife Lynn, 69, of Springfield, Va. stay active with this tennis-like game.