Game On Sling Bag
The Game On Sling Bag really broadcasts your adoration for the sport. Each bag’s shape is reminiscent of the shape of a paddle, with the base of the bag wider and tapering off towards the top. The heavy-duty polyester stands up to tough weather conditions as well as being tossed around from your car to the court. The lower third of the bag is solid black, with the remaining front of the body a solid contrasting color. The main body zipper reaches from the upper right corner down to the bottom left. A secondary smaller 10” by 11” compartment is on the front of the bag with “ZERO ZERO TWO GAME ON” written in black text.
The Game On Sling Bag features a 4” loop attached to the top of the bag, perfect for hanging on fences or hooks. The shoulder strap on the back is padded and measures 23” long, with “”, "THE PICKLEBALL SUPERSTORE" and a pickleball graphic in a color that matches the bag. This strap is adjustable for your perfect fit. From top to bottom, this bag measures just about 18” long and at the broadest point, 13” wide.
The Game On Sling Bag is great for fitting all of your pickleball equipment in a stylish carrying tote.
Available in the following colors: pink, yellow and light blue