"I'm a 53-year-old male who's been playing pickleball for about two years. Most of my play is recreational and I'd consider myself a 3.0 to 3.5 player, although I haven't been to any top tournaments to verify my skill level. I used the PaddletekPhoenix G6 formany games against different players to get a true assessment. Features I really like are the grip circumference, the 5" grip length and the thick gripwrap. I had no issues with the weight and I liked its thickness for my styleof game. I like a traditional paddle, and the G6 provides more control at the net and enables me toreturn volley shots quickly and reset for a return hit. I own a Tempest Wave and enjoy that this is anotherpaddle in the Paddletek family. If Iwere recommending either of these paddles, honestly both could be good choice depending on yourseriousness of play and budget. The Phoenix G6 played up to myexpectations, and for the value it's an exceptional paddle for a beginner or advanced player. I had no issues serving or performing at the net. I tried quitea few touch shots and gained a lot of confidence when usingthis paddle. Another aspect I heard about uponreceiving the Phoenix G6 was the quietness of play. I've never been bothered by pickleballnoise, but I've read articles about communities and players disliking pickleball sounds. So I paid more attention to my hits and could tell adifference in the softer noise of this paddle. I hopethis review helps anyone who is interested in purchasing a Phoenix G6. If you are new to pickleball then give PickleballCentral acall as they have trained staff who can assist in finding a paddle right for your style of play, and don’t forget about their 30-day test period on paddlepurchases."
- Mike S. (3.5 Player) from Forks, WA
"I’ve been playing pickleball for about a yearand a half and am a recreational player.I haven’t tried many different paddles, butwhen I played with the Phoenix G6 Composite by Paddletek, the first thing I noticed was the handle andgrip. The paddle fit my hand much betterthan other paddles I've played with and has a balanced feelto it. The G6 was comfortable and gave me control and power in my shots.I was able to generate significant spin onthe ball while also placing dinks where I wanted them. The weight of the paddle was a little heavierthan what I’ve used in the past, but it was still easy to maneuver when in long, closeup rallies at the net.I liked the weight of thepaddle when serving as it provided plenty of power and touch along with the control I enjoy. I had no issues with the baseline play ofthis paddle but most of my play is at the net. The price of the paddle also makes it an excellent value."
- Chris G. (3.5 Player) from Forks, WA
"I've been playing pickleballfor over two years after playing tennis for over forty. I played with the Paddletek Phoenix G6 and found it to be very responsive, but the grip was probablybetter suited for someone with a larger hand.When talking to some of the other women in our club, they liked everythingabout the paddle except the thickness of the grip.The paddle was otherwise excellent for all aspects ofthe game: serving, dinks, both forehand and backhand shots and volleys at thenet.I noticed that I could generatemore spin with this paddle.The sound ofthe ball hitting the paddle was less noisy than my current paddle, which is aPaddletek Tempest Wave.The thing Iliked most was the 'feel' I had hitting the ball, especiallyputting spin on it. The Phoenix G6 has both power and touch.I would highlyrecommend it to a beginner or a beginner seeking to upgrade to amid-range paddle as I think it's an excellent choice for theprice.Not only does it play well but the graphicsand five color selections add great value. Paddletek has a wide selection of paddles and the Phoenix G6 is definitely an excellent mid-range selection."
- Gene B. (3.5 Player) from Forks, WA