Reviews of the Selkirk Mach6 VANGUARD Pickleball Paddle by Pickleball Central Staff & Local Club Members:
"If you are a fan of long handled paddles for a two handed shot, Selkirk and the queen of the two handed shot, Lindsey Newman, have a paddle for you. The Mach6 Vanguard Hybrid has a 5 ½” handle with a paddle face that is 7” wide. The graphite face helps to make a large percentage of the face playable, important with a shape like this. I have started to hit back hand dinks with two hands. I found this paddle helped me to be more consistent in placing the ball with that shot. While I don’t normally hit a forehand dink with two hands, I just couldn’t help give it a try it with the Mach6. It just felt natural. I had more control on blocks, I just couldn’t get the same power as a one handed shot. The paddle measures up to the leading long handled paddles on the market. With the Vanguard face, it may take it to the top."
John, Channel Sales (4.0 Player)
"In the last 9 months we've seen a select group of paddle companies craft paddles uniquely for the needs of players using two handed grips. Most people think of the traditional two handed backhand (from Tennis), but pickleball has seen a very unique evolution for two handed play on dinks, blocks, volleys, and other defensive postures. Top Professional Player Lindsey Newman (and her Brother Riley) both deploy this approach to amazing success. They are known as some of the best defensive players in the sport. They were the masterminds providing the product development input to the new Selkirk Vanguard MACH6 Hyrbid (and its soon to be released thin core cousin, the MACH6 Power Edition). This review pertains to the 5/8 inch think Hybrid thick core version of the MACH6.
While this paddle has the smallest face of the Selkirk Family, it doesn't mean it is anything other than a fantastic performing paddle. It's smaller face (measured in square inches) is used differently by players who leverage two handed play. They tend to put the paddle on the ball more accurately, and it becomes a very aerodynamic, whippy, quick hand weapon.
My own experience with testing this paddle was exciting. I am not a two-handed player, so I sought out a play group that included a couple and we shared the paddle around the foursome to compare notes. The paddle definitely carries the typical Vanguard play feel. The amount of the face that provides consistent usable response is exceptionally large. The paddle is balanced very much towards the head, so playing one handed it feels head heavy with a higher perceived swing weight. But played with two hands, it changes into a rapid fire quick response paddle.
We're here in the Puget Sound (where the Newman's grew up), and EVERYONE is excited about this paddle in our area. While Lindsey is playing with this thick core Hyrbid MACH6, Riley will be playing with the thinner core Vanguard Power MACH6 upon its release in a couple months. For this Hybrid Core version we tested today, play testers loved the feel, and those with any sort of two handed play felt super comfortable immediately. In fact, it was hard to pry it away from those folks when the test day was done!"
Edward, Product Evaluation Team (4.0 Player)